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Are there risks associated with having mold in a home?

The growth of any type of mold in a home is never acceptable. Your safest and most prudent course of action is to treat all molds with caution and to remove them from your home as soon as possible.

In the spring, some people experience no health effects from the increased amount of pollen in the air, while other people have serious allergic reactions. The same is true with mold spores, both inside and outside a home. Some people experience little or no reaction from high levels of exposure to mold spores. Other people exposed to low levels can have allergic responses, including asthma, stuffy or runny noses, eye irritation, fever, wheezing, inflammation in the lungs, and skin rashes.

These same symptoms can be caused by a variety of allergens. If you experience the symptoms, you should not automatically assume that your home has a mold problem.

Healthy individuals usually are not vulnerable to health problems from airborne mold exposure. If you have concerns about possible health and safety issues regarding mold, immediately contact a medical professional and/or your local government health authority for guidance.

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